
We now offer 6 fully equipped rehearsal rooms. Each room is separated by our control room or workshop so you wont feel like your playing along with the band next door.
Please feel free call ahead for any special equipment requests. We are more then happy to setup acoustic instruments in the P.A. or add an extra amp to room etc.
There are two keyboards available as well as other loner equipment. We want you to have a great rehearsal even if you forget something.

There is a 48 hour cancellation policy. If you cancel within 48 hours of your studio booking, then the charge for the missed block will be added to your next studio booking.

First room on the left.


Entrance is past the control room.

Our largest room. Entrance is to the right of the workshop.


Private Bathroom. Entrance is to the left of the workshop.


Private Bathroom. Entrance behind store.

Our brand new spacious room. Entrance on the outside.